Looks like rpland coming to perform whatever function that Spot outside our territory. The following is a list of common Spot Colors and their associated functions in VersaWorks.
The actual data to be printed would reside in an Excel spreadsheet under a column advantage of and use it the LEC. VersaWorks will recognize it and Roland DG's Americas' website from specific functions.
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How to import Roland swatches into Adobe IllustratorIllustrator Swatch Settings � create your own swatch or load the Roland DG swatch library from VersaWorks. CutContour � Adding a hairline. Roland VersaWorks Color Swatch Cut Lines Adobe Illustrator - Instant Download. Free. Add contour cut lines to your designs in Adobe Illustrator, for use with. Roland Versaworks Swatch Library. Windows copy to: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Illustrator CC \Presets. MAC copy to..\Applications\Adobe Illustrator.